Ulasan Buku: Dilan: Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1990 (Dilan #1) oleh Pidi Baiq

Judul: Dilan: Dia Adalah Dilanku Tahun 1990 (Dilan #1)

Penulis: Pidi Baiq

Terbit: 2014 by Pastel Books (Mizan Group)

Halaman: 332

Sinopsis: “Milea, kamu cantik, tapi aku belum mencintaimu. Enggak tahu kalau sore. Tunggu aja” (Dilan 1990)

“Milea, jangan pernah bilang ke aku ada yang menyakitimu, nanti, besoknya, orang itu akan hilang.” (Dilan 1990)

“Cinta sejati adalah kenyamanan, kepercayaan, dan dukungan. Kalau kamu tidak setuju, aku tidak peduli.” (Milea 1990) [Goodreads]

Awalnya, agak skeptis sih mau baca buku ini. Takut tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi. Karena saya agak kurang yakin dengan kualitas buku cinta-cintaan produk Indonesia. Apalagi saya belum pernah baca bukunya Pidi Baiq sebelumnya. Jadi belum begitu familiar dengan gaya penulisan beliau.

Tapi baru mulai dari halaman pertama, perhatian saya langsung fokus tertuju ke buku ini. Buku ini unik. Pertama, tiap bab terdiri dari poin-poin (?) jadi sangat gampang kalau mau nandain sudah baca sampai mana. Kedua, tentu saja Dilan. Sejatinya cowok kayak Dilan itu langka—nyaris gak ada sama sekali—di dunia ini. Sebenarnya, paling males sih kalau baca karakter laki-laki yang model Dilan kayak gini. Entah kenapa di buku ini, Pidi Baiq berhasil membuat saya jatuh hati juga sama Dilan. Ada sesuatu dalam sosok Dilan yang bikin saya jatuh hati. Kegigihannya. Dilan gak pernah pantang menyerah untuk mendapatkan Milea dengan cara-cara uniknya. Suka ketawa sendiri jadinya kalau baca tingkah lakunya Dilan yang aneh-aneh tapi bikin meleleh.

Kesimpulannya, buku ini sukses bikin saya BAPER. Dan buku tentang cinta-cintaan gak mesti cerita tentang orang kaya jatuh cinta sama yang miskin lagi. Kadang cerita yang simpel dan sederhana sudah bisa bikin yang baca klepek-klepek. Hahaha! Seneng bisa baca buku ini. Sudah pasti saya akan membaca buku lanjutannya!

Book Review: The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl from Everywhere #1) By Heidi Heilig

Title: The Girl from Everywhere (The Girl from Everywhere #1)

Author: Heidi Heilig

Published: March 3rd 2016 by Hot Key Books

Page: 320

Summary: Sixteen-year-old Nix Song is a time-traveller. She, her father and their crew of time refugees travel the world aboard The Temptation, a glorious pirate ship stuffed with treasures both typical and mythical. Old maps allow Nix and her father to navigate not just to distant lands, but distant times – although a map will only take you somewhere once. And Nix’s father is only interested in one time, and one place: Honolulu 1868. A time before Nix was born, and her mother was alive. (Goodreads)

I received a free digital copy from Hot Key Books through NetGalley in exchange of honest review. This review might contains spoiler!

I was so excited when I saw this on ‘Read Now’ section on NetGalley because I’ve been wanting to read this book since I keep hearing people talk about it on Goodreads. So I don’t wanna miss my chance and read it right away.

This is my first time reading a time-traveler book. I must say it doesn’t disappointing, but it wasn’t mind-blowing either. I’m expecting a lot more of “time-traveling” (like jump from one place into another. Ykwim?) instead of just staying in one place to get a map that lead to Nix’s mother. And then we have Kashmir and Blake Hart—the main character’s potential love interest. Yep, another love triangle. It just like Katniss-Peeta-Gale all over again. I’m so over that. I really hope in the next book we won’t have to deal with this stuff. More time-traveler/pirate stuff please.

What I love about this book:

  • Kashmir. He’s so sassy, funny and intelligent. I love his banter with Nix. I wish we get to know more about him in the next book
  • It sets in Hawaii. I’ve never read a book that sets in Hawaii. It’s so cool to get to know some of history about Hawaii.
  • Diversity. I love that this book has lots of myths from other ethnicity. You can tell the author did her research really well.

What I don’t like about this book:

  • Love Triangle. It’s not that I hate the idea of it, but in this book, it just made me almost hate Nix. I don’t want that. Because I have the intention of reading the next book. How could I do that if I hate the main character? Also kissing the other guy while Kashmir is watching? I’ve had enough of that in Twilight when Bella kissed Jacob. lol bye
  • Nix. She was just so damn boring. Her presence oftentimes got out-shined by the secondary character.

Overall, I like the book as a whole and would like to continue on the next book. I would like to recommend it to people who like/just starting to read a book about time-traveler, this book might be a good start for you. It does for me at least.

Book Review: The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett

Title: The Anatomical Shape of a Heart

Author: Jenn Bennett

Published: November 3rd 2015 by Feiwel & Friends

Page: 304

Summary: Beatrix Adams knows exactly how she’s spending the summer before her senior year. Determined to follow in Da Vinci’s footsteps, she’s ready to tackle the one thing that will give her an advantage in a museum-sponsored scholarship contest: drawing actual cadavers. But when she tries to sneak her way into the hospital’s Willed Body program and misses the last metro train home, she meets a boy who turns her summer plans upside down.

Jack is charming, wildly attractive, and possibly one of San Francisco’s most notorious graffiti artists. On midnight buses and city rooftops, Beatrix begins to see who Jack really is—and tries to uncover what he’s hiding that leaves him so wounded. But will these secrets come back to haunt him? Or will the skeletons in her family’s closet tear them apart?

My first initial reaction after reading this book was ‘AHDHASHHABCNADVHDVSB THE FEEEEELSSSS‘ and then smiling like an idiot  for the rest of the day. This book is such an easy read. Jenn Bennett’s writing pulled me right into the story the moment i read the first paragraph. I finished it in one day and I have no regrets. I got attached with the characters. I feel what they are feeling and you just can’t help but rooting for them.  I love Bex and Jack. BEX.AND.JACK.

The story might sounds cliche to you but Bennett’s done such a great work. My favorite part was when Jack draws something  for Bex’s birthday. That’s just straight up cupcake sweet moment. Or when Bex’s Mom gave her boxes of almost-expired condom. LMAO.

I’d recommend it to anyone who wants to read something quick, sweet, cute, and little bit hints of angst.

Book Review: Pulang By Tere Liye

Title: Pulang

Author: Tere Liye

Published: September 20th 2015 by Republika

Page: 404

Summary: “Aku tahu sekarang, lebih banyak luka di hati bapakku dibanding di tubuhnya. Juga mamakku, lebih banyak tangis di hati Mamak dibanding di matanya.”

Sebuah kisah tentang perjalanan pulang, melalui pertarungan demi pertarungan, untuk memeluk erat semua kebencian dan rasa sakit.”

Kisah seorang anak yang akhirnya menemukan jalan ‘Pulang’-nya. Seru banget mengikuti kisah perjalanan si Bujang ini. Dan setuju banget sama pepatah “Orang yang tahu isi perut kita biasanya paling mudah berkhianat sama kita” Jadi pelajaran banget buat berhati-hati dalam memberikan kepercayaan kita kepada orang lain. Karena suatu saat, mereka bisa menggunakan kepercayaan itu untuk menyerang kita dari belakang.

Cara penulisan Tere Liye juga enak banget dibacanya. Alurnya ceritanya maju-mundur dan anehnya gak ngebosenin, karena kadang alur maju-mundur bisa bikin cepat jenuh. Yang saya suka dari Bujang adalah, walaupun dia sudah sukses dibidang yang dia kuasai, dia tetap memegang teguh wejangan dari Ibunya.

Saya kasih 4 bintang karena saya suka dengan jalan ceritanya serta tokoh-tokoh yang ada di buku. Saya rekomendasikan buat orang jarang baca buku Indo (kayak saya :p) coba baca buku ini. Apalagi kalo suka cerita tentang mafia gitu.

Gak sabar mau baca buku-buku Tere Liye yang lain!

Recent Reads 2016 | Books 6-9

Hi my beloved readers! I’ve been manage to read 4 books since my last Recent Reads update. *pats self on the back* I hope I can keep this up. Here are the books that I read:

  1. The Anatomical Shape of a Heart by Jenn Bennett. The reason I read this book is because I want to read something lovey-dovey for Valentine’s Day. Yes, I spent my V-Day reading a book. I am so cool like that. Anyway, this book is about Beatrix Adams who wants to get a scholarship by drawing an actual cadaver. Cross path with Jack while waiting on a midnight-bus, little did she knows, it will change her entire summer plan. I loooooove this book. It’s such an easy read but I guaranteed will you make shed a tear or two. I love how different Bea was from typical girl character in YA book. It was such a fresh breath of air.
  2. On the Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta. Everyone and their unborn child seem to like this book so much. Unfortunately, I’m not one of them. This is such a surprise for me because I love Marchetta’s other book—Saving Francesca. This book is about a girl who is the leader of the boarders at the Jellicoe School. She has to keep the upper hand in the territory wars and deal with Jonah Griggs—the enigmatic leader of the cadets, and someone she thought she would never see again. The story began when Hannah—the person Taylor had come to rely on—gone missing. This book is confusing. I’ve been stuck on the same chapter for days because I keep re-reading as if I’m missing something. I don’t want to force myself reading this meanwhile I could read other books that are better than this one, so I decided to DNF it. I hate DNF-ing a book, even a book that I don’t like.
  3. True Love Story by Willow Aster. This book is about a girl who grew up in a Christian family (i think?) and then she met her favorite rock star and they fell in love. Bleeurgh. Usually I don’t mind insta-love. But this one is so typical and cheesy, I wonder how my eyes still intact given the amount of eyes rolling I’ve done while reading this book.
  4. Octopus Pie Vol 1 by Meredith Gran. Saw this comic book on Netgalley. The cover drawn me in so I decided to pick it up, also the description sounds so humorous. Even though, it’s not quite what I was expecting, Octopus Pie still entertaining enough. I got a lil bit attached to the characters.

Those are the books that I read. Now, I’m trying to finish this monster book called Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff this week. I think this is the biggest book I’ve read for a while now. The last time I read a book this big was The Host by Stephenie Meyer (lol!). After that I’ll pick up The Girl From Everywhere by Heidi Heilig. It’s on ‘Read Now’ section on NetGalley (yay! Review will be posted soon)